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What is Tinnitus? And What Are Home Remedies for It?

Tinnitus, more commonly known as ringing in the ears, affects about 15 million people in the United States alone, according to the American Tinnitus Association. 

It can be extremely painful and disruptive to your daily life, but luckily there are home remedies that can help you overcome it. Let’s take a look at what tinnitus is and what you can do about it at home!

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is when a person hears a sound when there is no sound in the world. While it is commonly described as a ringing noise, it can also take the form of clicking, hissing, or roaring sound. 

Noises can be intermittent or continuous, and their loudness can vary. It is often worse when the background noise is low, so you may be most aware of it at night when you’re trying to fall asleep in a quiet room. 

In people with severe or persistent tinnitus, the noise can interfere with work, sleep, and concentration. You might startle easily and find that your concentration has been reduced because your attention keeps getting drawn back to the annoying sounds. 

These things alone make managing tinnitus difficult, but other symptoms come along with it: depression, anxiety, problems sleeping (either not being able to sleep or waking up frequently), headaches, and dizziness. 

A lot of people have misconceptions about what causes tinnitus. Some think that they’ll have tinnitus forever while others think they caused their own by using too many ear wax removal products which irritates the ear canal skin too much (leading them to assume this is why some people’s ears bleed). 

But for many other sufferers of chronic tinnitus, there’s not a clear answer as to what has caused their condition.

Home Remedies for Tinnitus – First: Find Out What Your Tinnitus Triggers Are

If you can find out what causes your tinnitus to flare up, you can avoid those triggers and help keep your tinnitus under control. Common triggers include loud noise, stress, and caffeine. 

If you’re not sure what your triggers are, keep a journal and note when your tinnitus starts acting up. Then, look back and see if you can identify any patterns. 

Several home remedies can help lessen the symptoms of tinnitus. Many people find relief by using a white noise machine or wearing earplugs. 

Others find that relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation help them manage their tinnitus.

Get Rid of Earwax

One home remedy for tinnitus is to get rid of earwax. Earwax can build up and cause tinnitus, so it’s important to clean your ears regularly. 

You can use a cotton swab to remove earwax, or you can buy an ear wax removal kit at your local drugstore. 

Be sure to follow the instructions carefully so you don’t damage your ears. Other home remedies include eating foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, flaxseed oil, and walnuts. 

Taking vitamins like B12, iron, and folic acid may also help with symptoms. 

It’s best to see your doctor if you have persistent ringing in the ears because this could be a sign of another medical condition such as a tumor on the auditory nerve that causes pressure on nerves near your brain stem or tinnitus caused by Ménière’s disease. 

If left untreated, tinnitus can lead to depression and even suicide attempts.

Manage Stress Levels

Physical and mental health can be affected by chronic stress. It can also make tinnitus worse. Because of this, it’s important to find ways to manage your stress levels. 

The first step would be yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. If you’re struggling to cope with stress, talk to your doctor about other options, such as counseling or medication. 

You should also avoid situations that are likely to worsen your stress levels (e.g., situations that involve lots of noise). 

-Lose Weight: Studies have shown that being overweight increases the risk of developing tinnitus. Losing weight not only helps reduce the risk but can also improve symptoms of tinnitus by reducing neck strain and muscle tension. For weight loss success, follow these three easy tips 

Eat healthy meals that contain fewer calories than what you usually eat (aim for 20% less).

Get active every day—the more you move around throughout the day, the more calories you’ll burn and the more weight you’ll lose.

Give Up Smoking

Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of tinnitus. There are many other potential causes of tinnitus, but smoking is by far the most common. 

If you smoke, quitting is the best thing you can do for your health in general and your tinnitus in particular. 

The process can be eased with resources like nicotine replacement therapy and quitting groups. 

These treatments are very effective in helping people overcome their dependence on cigarettes and decrease their risk of developing tinnitus as well as other related conditions such as cancer or heart disease. Quit today!

Tinnitus Sound Therapy

Tinnitus is the perception of sound when there is no corresponding external sound. While it is commonly described as a ringing noise, it can also sound like a clicking, hissing, or roaring. 

Tinnitus can be caused by several factors, including ear damage, wax buildup, and stress. One such treatment is sound therapy, which involves exposure to background music or sounds. 

This therapy can help to mask the noise of tinnitus and make it less bothersome. In addition, there are several home remedies that can help to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus.

Get Eight Hours of Sleep

A good night’s sleep is important for your overall health, but it’s especially crucial if you’re dealing with tinnitus. That’s because when you’re tired, your body can’t fight off the ringing in your ears as effectively. 

In addition to getting enough shut-eye, there are a few other things you can do to ease your tinnitus symptoms. 

For example, try using a white noise machine at night to help drown out the ringing sound. You could also try wearing earplugs during the day if your tinnitus is particularly bothersome.

If You Need It, Ask for Help 

If you’re struggling to manage your tinnitus on your own, don’t hesitate to ask for help from a professional. 

There are many ways to treat tinnitus, and a qualified specialist can help you find the method that’s right for you. In the meantime, try out some of the home remedies listed above to see if they provide relief.

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